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  • Postgraduate

     Syllabus   Suggested projects   Time Table   Grades For Postgraduates  Results   Competitive Examinations Modules   Announcements   Postgraduates Announcements   

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  • E-Learning

     E-learning 2020-2021  E-learning 2019-2020  E-learning 2018-2019  E-learning 2017-2018  

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  • alumni

    graduates Graduate Follow-up Unit

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  • Graduation Projects

     Laser Engineering Projects  Optoelectronics Engineering Projects

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  • Accomplished

    Accomplished Certificates for 2022 Accomplished Certificates for 2021 Accomplished Certificates for 2020 Accomplished Certificates for 2019 Accomplished Certificates for 2018 Accomplished Certificates for 2017 Accomplished Certificates for 2016

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  • Lecture Notes and Study Plans

     Laser Engineering Program  Optoelectronics Engineering Program  Study Plan of The Laser Engineering Program  Study Plan of The Optoelectronics Program

Quality Division

Recognizing from the University of Technology to the importance of the quality assurance in developing the educational process, and building an excellent rank for their academic programs, the university has awarded great interests to establish the quality assurance and performance division in each department to lead the quality initiatives and develop appropriate plans for improving and supporting the educational establishment needs.

The Quality Assurance and performance division at the department of Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering aims to guide and promote the academic practices, student’s learning and education quality through spreading the awareness among the department staff and students to maintain self-assessment awareness and continuous improvement plans with identifying the dilemmas which, in turn, works on obstructing the educational process.

The Policy of the Quality Assurance and Performance Division

  • Developing the department performance and their academic programs through following up of the scientific and academic issues, scientific research, academic assessments and community serving.
  • Spreading the concept of the quality assurance among the department members and students through engages them in seminars and training courses.
  • Building and reviewing of the department missions, visions and objectives with maintaining a continuous plan to improve the department performance.

The vision of the Quality Assurance and Performance Division

It shall have an effective role to achieve and sustain scientific and academic privilege for the department programs to become the cornerstone to support and strength the education career.

The Mission of Quality Assurance and Performance Division

The division takes on its responsibility to support scientific programs plans and strategies as well as coordinating quality assurance processes which tends to develop the educational demonstration with periodic revise for their activities that raise awareness of the quality concept.

The Assignments of Quality Assurance and Performance Division

  • Documenting and revision of department academic programs’ mission, vision and objectives based on community requirements.
  • Preparing, updating and implementing calendar’s files issued by the Ministry of Higher Educations and Scientific Research such as Evaluation and Performance of faculty member at the department.
  • Preparing, updating and implementing the calendars’ file of the laboratories quality assurance in the department and guidance their line by running the standards of the good educational laboratory.
  • Writing ABET self-study report annually in order to obtain an academic accreditation.
  • Updating, revision and design the department curriculum based on the ABET requirements.
  • Conduct annual questionnaires for students and faculty members.

Announcements and upcoming events

13 November 2022
Sponsored by the President of the University of
23 March 2022
 (Cultural Debate) - First day Within the annual
14 December 2021
20 September 2021
For the top first three students for the academic
20 September 2021
Below is the employment application form for
14 September 2021
For registration issues, all the accepted

Top students
