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Oral Examination Activities for PhD Student
On Nov. 25, 2020, the oral examination activities for PhD students / Laser Engineering (the comprehensive examination stage) in cooperation with a group of University's lecturers. The students gave a presentation of their projects within the new mechanism for the comprehensive examination, through which a review of previous work was supported by scientific papers. After that, the committees discussed the projects.
Scientific Promotion / Dr. Mohammed Jalal Abdulrazzaq
Scientific Promotion / Dr. Ali Abdulkhaliq
Dr. Ali Abdulkhaliq have been promoted (from lecturer to assistant Prof) on 4/5/2020
Scientific Promotion / Wejdan Hamoody
Wejdan Hamoody Mutlak have been promoted (from assistant lecturer to lecturer) on 4/5/2020
Our department faculty, Professor Fareed Faris Rsheed et al., awarded a patent certificate from the ministry of planning for their working on using Pulse Laser Deposition Technique for photodiode implementation
E - Learning Certificate Award
Awarding Certificate in E - Learning
Certificate of e - learning workshop has been awarded to Mr. Ahmed Wael Abdulwahhab, our department faculty member and the director of quality assurance division. This certificate had come due to engaging him to intensive professional training program with IREX organization.
LOPE students take final exams online
Students Take Final Exams Online
LOPE students have begun online final exams from home for what could be the first time, as universities move to new ways of assessing students during the coronavirus shutdown. Under the university regulations, the department make use of Google Meet video technology to supervise and revise students during exam times.
Granting M.Sc. Degree
Granting M.Sc. Degree
A Master of Science degree in optoelectronics engineering granted to "Shahad Sabah Hussien" on her working entitled:
"Analysis and Mitigation of Fiber Nonlinear Effect in Optical Communication System"
The M.Sc. viva held at department of Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Postgraduate Hall, on Sunday, June the 21st. The examining committee of the students were involved of:
1. Dr. Thamir Rasheed Saeed, Professor, Chair
2. Dr. Razi Jabur Shughaith, Assistant Professor, Member
3. Dr. Thana'a Hussien Ali, Senior Researcher, Member
4. Dr. Jassaim Kadhim Hmood, Professor, Member and Supervisor,
Letter of Participation
Letter of Participation
The dean of the department, Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Minshid, awarded a letter of participation from Al - Karkh University for Sciences for his contribution and attendance in the e - learning experiment evaluation at the Iraqi universities conference proceeding held on May 7th, 2020.
Online Research Seminar -- Aseel Abdula'meer
Graduate Seminar Session
The fivefold committee of the department held online research seminar on Thursday the June 18th, presented by the Ph.D. student "Aseel Abdula'meer Shughati", discussing findings and working procedure of her project entitled:
(( Analysis and Design of Pulsed Fiber Laser Based on Nano - Material Saturable Absorber for Telecommunication Systems ))
The research seminar was held online on G - Suite for Education stage, the google classroom as part of follow - up the working development of graduate studies projects.
Online Research Seminar -- Hiba Hassan
Graduate Seminar Session
The fivefold committee of the department held online research seminar on Wednesday the June 17th, presented by the Ph.D. student "Hiba Hassan Abdullah", discussing her findings and working procedure of her project entitled:
(( Nano - Particles Saturable Absorber for Generating Short and Ultrashort Fiber Laser Pulses ))
The research seminar was held online on G - Suite for Education stage, the google classroom as part of follow - up the working development of graduate studies projects.
Online Graduate Exam News
Online Graduate Exam News
The graduate students of the department were performed their final exam electronically using google classroom stage. The exam were monitored and personally supervised by the dean of the department and the graduate exam committee, respectively. The exam was settled in very good manner.
For more information regarding numbers of students and exam topics, please check the (Link)
Final Graduate Online Exam
Online Graduate Final Exam
Second semester graduate exams have been conducted virtually using google classroom online stage.
The exam has been personally supervised and followed by the Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdulwahhab Minshid, the dean of Laser and Optoelectronics engineering department, alongside with graduate exam committee.
The graduate exams were taken using virtual session application of G-suite for education, the google classroom. The exam starts and ends at very good manner with live opened webcam to ensure students availability and to avoid unusual or sudden technical and personal circumstances.