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Honoring Scientists
Dr. Makram A. Fakhri, a faculty member of Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering was acknowledged as one of the leaders in publishing and has been recognized by the University of Technology President for his achievements in publishing a number of scopus-indexed research in 2022.
Sport Achievement
Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering student "Zahraa Salman" was awarded the 3rd rank in the University of Technology annual tennis tournament 2022.
Ansam Issa Abdulwahhab Thesis Defence
Ansam Essam Abdulwahhab defense "Optimization of hole drilling process in different polymer materials (PMMA and PC) by laser ablation" in Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering has held on Nov. 14th, 2022 at the department of laser and optoelectronics engineering.
Thesis Defense Amnah Saleh
The thesis of the master's student (Amnah Saleh) specializing in Laser engineering was discussed for her thesis :
A plasmon laser sensor for intermodal interface patterns based on image processing
On Monday 17/10/2022, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded a master's degree
Scientific Activities (Prof. Dr. Jassim K Hmood)
Within the scientific activities of our department, Prof. Dr. (Jassim K Hammoud), head of the department, headed by the defense committee for the master's student (Nisreen Muhammad Ghanem) - Department of Computer Engineering about the entitled thesis:
(Secure Optical Communication Based on Chaotic Design)
The thesis defense took place on Monday, 24/10/2022 in the central hall.
Administrative Leadership Skills courses
Prof. Dr. (Jassem K Hammoud) - Head of the Department, participated in the course of administrative leadership skills in the halls of the Continuing Education Center and the Department of Control and Systems, where the tracks of the course focused on developing leadership skills in administrative processes, administrative leadership, change management, as well as time management. The course lecturer, Dr. Khalil Al-Ani, discussed the objectives of the course with the participants, referring to the formation of a future vision in managing scientific departments, and providing participants with the skills of change and time management in organizing their work.
Projects Exhibition Honoring
The projects of the students of our department / fourth stage / laser branch (Sarah Saad Jassim), (Ali Muhammad Siddiq Abdul-Karim), and (Zahra Salman Kazem) were honored in the celebration of Projects Exhibition (Engineering Imprint of Excellence) 2022 at the Innovative Students Club on 10/29/2022, which included 35 scientific projects distinguished by innovation and creativity, and they received certificates of appreciation from the President of the University.
Thesis Defense Haneen Dawood
The thesis of the master's student (Haneen Dawood Abdulkareem) specializing in Optoelectronics engineering was discussed for her thesis :
Design and Implementation Respiratory Monitoring System Using Fiber Sensor
On Wednesday 19/10/2022, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded a master's degree
Thesis Defense Sara Mohammed Tariq
The thesis of the master's student (Sara Mohammed Tariq) specializing in Optoelectronics engineering was discussed for her thesis :
Design and Simulation of Fiber-Optics Biosensor-based Evanescent Wave
On Tuesday 20/9/2022, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded a master's degree
Thesis Defense Hind Alaa
The thesis of the master's student (Hind Alaa Jawad) specializing in Laser engineering was discussed for her thesis :
Thermal Model Analysis for Double End Diode Pumping of Solid-State Lasers with Super-Gaussian Profile
On Thursday 8/9/2022, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded a master's degree
Scientific Activities Prof. Dr. Mohammed J Abdulrazzaq
On Sunday, October 23, 2022,Prof. Dr. Mohammed J Abdulrazzaq participated as a head committee for the master's thesis defense in the Department of Computer Technologies for the student Maryam Lazem Salman, entitled:
(Designing a Reliable 6G Optical Communication System Used to Cover DWDM)
The thesis defense committee:
1- Prof. Dr. Mohammad J AbdulRazzaq ....... President / University of Technology
2- A.Prof. Dr. Raad Farhoud Hassan ................ Member / Central Technical University, Kut Technical Institute.
3- A.Prof. Dr. Osama Abbas Hussein .............. Member/ Middle Technical University, Electrical Engineering Technical College.
4- A.Prof. Dr. Ali Mehdi Hammadi .....................Member and Supervisor/ Middle Technical University College of Electrical Engineering Technical.
5- A.Prof. Dr. Ali Jaber Abdel Wahab............... Member and Supervisor / Middle Technical University, Electrical Engineering Technical College.
The thesis was accepted successfully.
Thesis Defense Elaf Ayad
The thesis of the master's student (Elaf Ayad Fadil) specializing in Laser engineering was discussed for her thesis :
Design and Simulation Secure Optical Communication System in Turbulent Weather Based on Chaotic Laser System
On Thursday 22/9/2022, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded a master's degree
President of the University of Technology Visiting
On the occasion of the completion of the work of rehabilitating the external floor, the external wall, the external bathrooms, and the work of rehabilitating the internal corridors of the ground floor of the Department building, the President of the University of Technology visited our department on Wednesday, 10/12/2022, accompanied by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Scientific Affairs and Studies.The Supreme Council praised the efforts exerted to raise the required level and prepare for the academic year 2022-2023.
Scientific Seminar 6/10/2022
A seminar was held for PhD students in our department on 6/10/2022 in the presence of the head of the department, Prof. Dr. (Jassem K Hammoud). The five formed committees reviewed the progress of the work of the PhD students and praised their efforts in making these seminars a success and the scientific material they contained. In the presence of the Assistant Head of the Department for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies, Prof. Dr. (Mohammed J Abdulrazaq) on the progress of the work of the master's students, praised their efforts to make these seminars a success, and expressed their observations, hoping for more scientific progress for them to complete the requirements for obtaining a master's degree.