Department Activities for 2015-2016
A letter of thanks and appreciation
A letter of thanks and appreciation was honored to the dean of the Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Minshid from the chairman of deans of engineering faculties, Prof. Dr. Riyad Hassan Al-Anbari and another appreciation letter from the head of the Apparatus of Supervision and Scientific Evaluation, Prof. Dr. NabeelHashem Al-Aaraji, which they came on the occasion of his outstanding efforts in the meetings of the deans of engineering universities in Iraq.
A research was published by the Professor Khalid Salim Shebeb
A research was published by the Professor Khalid Salim Shebeb in the journal of heat and mass transfer with impact factor (0.98),in Vol.51,No5,P:685-690 named (Effect of waste paper usage on thermal and mechanical properties of fired brick)
Scientific Achievements Journal of Thermal Science
A research by our below names of the faculty members:
- Prof. Khalid S. Shebeb
- Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Munshid
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed J. Abdulrazzaq
- Eng. Luma H. Salman
have been accepted in the Journal of Thermal Science of the impact factor of 1.00 that subjects on failure limitations in the pulsed solid state lasers.
A research was evaluated by the Professor Khalid Salim Shebeb
A research was evaluated by the Professor Khalid Salim Shebeb in the journal of medicine college, Iskandariya University, that supervised by Elsevier corporation
Iraqi Scientists celebrate the Arab scientist Ibn Al-Haytham
The Department of laser engineering and optical electronics of the Technology University Baghdad organized scientific and cultural celebration of the International Year of Light and Light-based Technology IYL 2015 with a special focus devoted to the achievements of Ibn al-Haytham who made significant contributions to mathematics, optics, physics and astronomy, engineering, ophthalmology and scientific philosophy and visual sciences and cognition.
The celebration in Baghdad particularly included two lectures: the first one titled “Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham: curriculum and writings, and scientific creations in optics and medicine” given by Ass. Prof. Ayad Zwayen Mohammad and the second one was related to “Numerical and scientific miracle in the Quran” given by Ass. Prof. Akram Nouri from the Department of Applied Science. In addition to that, an exhibition of posters representing the biography and the writings of Ibn al-Haytham as well as an exhibition of lasers for optical show was organized in the Graduate Studies Laboratory.
About Ibn Al-Haytham
The year 2015 marks the 1000th anniversary since the appearance of the remarkable seven volume treatise on optics Kitab al-Manazir written by the Arab scientist Ibn al-Haytham. Born around a thousand years ago in present day Iraq, Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham (known in the West by the Latinised form of his first name, initially “Alhacen” and later “Alhazen”) was a pioneering scientific thinker who made important contributions to the understanding of vision, optics and light.
His methodology of investigation, in particular using experiment to verify theory, shows certain similarities to what later became known as the modern scientific method. Through his Book of Optics (Kitab al-Manazir) and its Latin translation (De Aspectibus), his ideas influenced European scholars including those of the European Renaissance. Today, many consider him a pivotal figure in the history of optics and the “Father of modern Optics”.
Ibn al-Haytham is credited with explaining the nature of light and vision, through using a dark chamber he called “Albeit Almuzlim”, which has the Latin translation as the “camera obscura”; the device that forms the basis of photography.
Out of the 96 books he is recorded to have written; only 55 are known to have survived. Those related to the subject of light included: The Light of the Moon, The Light of the Stars, The Rainbow and the Halo, Spherical Burning Mirrors, Parabolic Burning Mirrors, The Burning Sphere, The Shape of the Eclipse, The Formation of Shadows, Discourse on Light, as well as his masterpiece, Book of Optics. Latin translations of some of his works are known to have influenced important Medieval and European Renaissance thinkers like Roger Bacon, René Descartes and Christian Huygens, who knew him as “Alhazen”. The crater Alhazen on the Moon is named in his honour, as is the asteroid 59239 Alhazen.
Learn more about Ibn al-Haytham, visit:
About IYL 2015
The International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies (IYL 2015) is a global initiative adopted by the United Nations (A/RES/68/221) to raise awareness of how optical technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to worldwide challenges in energy, education, agriculture, communications and health. With UNESCO as lead agency, IYL 2015 programs will promote improved public and political understanding of the central role of light in the modern world while also celebrating noteworthy anniversaries in 2015—from the first studies of optics 1,000 years ago to discoveries in optical communications that power the Internet today. The IYL Global Secretariat is located at the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP).
The Founding Partners of IYL 2015 are the American Institute of Physics (AIP), the American Physical Society (APS), the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), the European Physical Society (EPS), the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS), the Institute of Physics (IOP), Light: Science and Applications, the International Network, 1001 Inventions, The Optical Society (OSA) and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE).
Patron Sponsors include Bosca, the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD), Royal Philips Lighting, Thorlabs and UL.
Azzedine Boudrioua
Steering Committee Chair
Coordinator of the WG Ibn Al Haytham
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John Dudley
Steering Committee Chair
International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015
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Joe Niemela
Global Coordinator (IYL Secretariat)
International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015
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celebration on the occasion of the call of the western world on the 2015 "Year of Light
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab established head of the department set up a Department of laser engineering and optical electronics scientific cultural celebration on the occasion of the call of the western world on the 2015 "Year of Light" celebration and recognition of the achievements and scientific creations venerable Arab world, Muslim Hasan Ibn al-Haytham world encyclopedic who made significant contributions to mathematics, optics, and physics and astronomy, engineering, ophthalmology and scientific philosophy and visual sciences and cognition in general his experiments conducted by using the scientific method, and has published several books and scientific discoveries confirmed by modern science for more than a thousand years and its impact on Western science and scientists through the translation of his books and his works into foreign languages.
Included celebration set up two lectures, one title (al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham- curriculumand writings and scientific creations in optics and medicine) given by Ayad Zwayen Mohammad and the second title (Numerical and scientific miracle in the Qur'an) given Akram Nouri from the Department of Applied Science, as well as the opening of Graduate Studies Laboratory in New shap section with an exhibition of posters representing the biography and the writings of the Arab world-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham was display of lasers for optical show.
The Department win the reward of the priminster Noore ALmalky
The Minister of the science &Technology , Baghdad universitiy president with all dean of the participated colleges .
The department was participated by 24 projects done by the students &supervisied by :
1.Dr.Mohammed Hussain Ali.
2.Dr. Mohammed adnan.
3.Lec Jassem kadum .
4.Dr.Aide zwe.
5.Lec.Mukarm Abd ALmutalab.
The whole projects through the caranival wer 700 projects .
The department was awarded the first rank over all the engineering projects , The student "Hader zeyad " was awarded the gift.
Acommitte was formed to judge the activities .
Dr. Mohammed Hussain Ali the dean of the laser eng. was one of the committe.
The University president AL-khazraji awarded the winner
The prisedent of the university prof Dr.kahtan k.M.AL-khazraji Awarded the students & their supervisons who did participate in the fourth carnival for sallebration was mode in the department in this occasion .
Dr.kahtan through his speech to the attender ask them to work Harder in the future & he thanks all of them . Then an acknowledgement certificates were awarded to all the participators.
Amonge the attender was the scientific deputy prof. Dr.Ahmed Ali Musa who add a conguratuation words to all the student &staff .