Department Activities for 2014-2015
Hosting the Head of Department by the University Space channel
The hosting of the department head Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdel Wahab Manshid by the university space with a televised meeting on Monday, 8/6/2015. Where the meeting included three axes,
The first axis includes the definition of the science of laser engineering and existing laser types, and the second axis on medical and industrial laser applications and their impact on society. The third axis represents the physical base of the division with regard to equipment and laser equipment compared to what is available in the developed world
Letter of thanks and appreciation
The Dean of the Department of Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering (Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab Manshid) was honored with a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Chairman of the Committee of Deans of the Engineering Colleges Prof. Dr. Hassan Al-Anbari and a certificate of appreciation from the Chairman of the Supervisory and Scientific Assessment Committee Prof. Dr. Nabil Hashim Al-Araji ) In appreciation of outstanding efforts in the meetings of the Committee of Deans of Engineering Colleges in Iraq.
Our Section held the general assembly meeting for the final exams for the academic year 2014-2015 on Tuesday, 26/5/2015 and in the presence of the President of the University of Technology and the respected assistants of the President of the University for scientific and administrative affairs respected.
The President of the University has given instructions to follow up the examinations and attention to administrative matters, as well as to review the University projects and the relationship between the Presidency of the University and the scientific departments as well as answer the questions and interventions of the faculty members in the department. The meeting was held in a spirit of harmony and the scientific debate between the university presidency and the department.
Projects of the postgraduate students
The projects of the postgraduate students were discussed in our section - the second chapter and the two departments (laser engineering branch and optical electronics engineering branch) on Monday 25/5/2015.
Under the patronage of the President of the University of Technology, our section held the symposium entitled "Visual Communication Applications" at 9:00 on Thursday, 7/5/2015, on the main hall in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering.
Our department held a scientific trip to the Laser Institute for Graduate Studies - University of Baghdad on 16/4/2015. The teachers (Dr. Suad Mahmoud Kazem, M Marwa Sabah Hassan and MH Ali Hamid Abdul Hadi) took the students of the third stage to the Institute above The laboratory was designed to identify the method of operation of modern laboratory equipment and applications in the Photonic Fiber Lab and a general explanation of the laboratory specialty and methods of fiber photon welding as well as laboratory applications of mechanical applications for laser and hexagonal axis robot and its uses in processing and cutting materials and high-power Nd-YAG laser, Device C O² CNC for students. Students showed interest in modern laser applications and were a successful scientific trip.
A research of Professor Khaled Shabib was published in Heat and mass transfer (0.98) in Volume 51 No. 5-685-690 for 2015 and tagged
(Effect of waste paper usage on thermal and mechanical properties of fired brick)
Iraqi Scientists celebrate the Arab scientist Ibn Al-Haytham
On March 1st 2015, Iraqi scientists celebrated the Arab scientist Ibn Al-Haytham with a presentation of Ibn al Haytham’s biography and books, scientific lectures and exhibition gallery with many cultural activities. The event was held in the Technology University Baghdad, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, head of the department of laser engineering and Optoelectronics.
A search was made for the faculty members of our department listed below in the journal Thermal Science with a coefficient of influence (1) on the limits of failure in pulsed solid state lasers.
Our football team (the teachers) competed with the Engineering and Control Engineering Team on Thursday 19/3/2015. Our team won four goals against two goals.
The team of the football team (training) played two games, the first on Sunday, 15/3/2015, equating with the computer science team with three goals scored two goals, Hazem Mohammed Rashid and the third goal by Dr. Mohammed Jalal Abdul Razzaq. On Tuesday, 17/3/2015, he won the elective team of the Department of Electrical Engineering with a great goal by Dr. Mohammed Jalal Abdul Razzaq.
The team of students in our volleyball department won the second place in the championship of the University of Technology volleyball at the end of the tournament which concluded on 5/3/2015.
The basketball team (students) in our section won the perfect team cup at the end of the tournament on Wednesday 25/2/2015 in the presence of the President of the University of Technology. We wish all our team and teams all success and success.